- I Curse This Land2024
- Horror
- The Devil's Footprints2024
- Horror
- No Darkness Last Forever2023
- Horror
- Thriller
- High Tide2023
- Horror
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- TV Movie
- The Dollcatcher2023
- Horror
- The Green Marker Scare2012
- Horror
- Animation
- Mystery
- Crime
- Thriller
- Patrol Men2011
- Horror
- Molar
- Horror
- Today Me, Tomorrow You
- Drama
- Horror
- Treeline2023
- Horror
- Thriller
- Drud2023
- Mystery
- Horror
- Drama
- Venus no es Santo2023
- Horror
- Blood Lust2022
- Horror
- Romance
- Black Pines2022
- Horror
- Fodder2022
- Horror
- Drama
- Black Samphire
- Horror
- Quotidian2022
- Horror
- The Zand Order2022
- Horror
- Mystery
- Urpus, leyendas de terror2021
- Horror
- There's Something in the Woods2021