- Growth Period1993
- Drama
- Bröllop i kikar'n2016
- Comedy
- Simultaneous Duo Versions2014
- Brännvin i kikar'n2015
- Comedy
- Arab & Broud2013
- Comedy
- Documentary
- Gerro, Minos and Him2013
- Drama
- Indul a bakterház1994
- Comedy
- Tanita Tikaram: AVO Session, Basel2011
- Music
- Ladies Night Out1983
- Music
- Documentary
- Comedy
- Romance
- Dumb Type: OR2009
- Music
- Pagagnini2008
- Comedy
- Music
- <BS松竹東急×浅草九劇>スペシャルドラマ「君しか見えないよ」2023
- Drama
- We’re Off to See... The Most Happy Fellows1990
- Music
- Comedy
- Giovanna d'Arco1989
- Drama
- Music