- The Centurion1961
- History
- Adventure
- Drama
- The Barbarians1960
- Adventure
- The Seventh Sword1962
- Adventure
- Action
- Drama
- Hercules of the Desert1964
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Seven Slaves Against the World1964
- History
- Adventure
- The Fall of Rome1963
- Drama
- History
- Temple of the White Elephant1964
- Action
- Adventure
- Drama
- The Magnificent Gladiator1964
- Action
- Adventure
- Drama
- Ursus in the Land of Fire1963
- Adventure
- Action
- Fantasy
- Conqueror of Maracaibo1961
- Adventure
- Action
- Drama
- Desert Warrior1957
- Adventure
- The Warrior Empress1960
- History
- Adventure
- The Vengeance of Ursus1961
- Drama
- Action
- Adventure
- Ursus and the Tartar Princess1961
- Drama
- Action
- Adventure
- Revenge of the Barbarians1960
- Action
- Drama
- History
- Hercules and the Pirates1964
- Adventure
- The Tyrant of Lydia Against the Son of Hercules1963
- Adventure
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Kerim, Son of the Sheik1962
- Adventure
- Action
- The Pharaohs' Woman1960
- Adventure
- History
- Romance
- Seven from Thebes1964
- History
- Adventure