- Damn Ruskies2000
- Documentary
- Das Konzentrationslager Neuengamme 1938-19451999
- Documentary
- History
- Heil Hitler! Confessions of a Hitler Youth1991
- War
- History
- Documentary
- Charlie Grant's War1985
- Drama
- TV Movie
- War
- History
- "KZ Buchenwald. Aushalten. Wir eilen euch zur Hilfe"1995
- Documentary
- Finding Manny
- Documentary
- Aktion K1994
- Documentary
- Bergen-Belsen zum Beispiel1985
- Documentary
- History
- D-Day to Berlin: A Newsnight Special1985
- Documentary
- War
- Mengele mi říkal prosím2023
- Documentary
- Hitler's Forgotten Victims1997
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- History
- War
- Three Days in Auschwitz2015
- Documentary
- Voices of Auschwitz
- Documentary
- History
- Like Stone Lions in the Gateway into Night2012
- Documentary
- I Survived Certain Death1960
- Drama
- My Soul Is a Witness
- War
- Drama
- Sisters in Resistance2001
- Documentary
- Los últimos españoles de Mauthausen2020
- Documentary
- History
- KinderblocK - L’ultimo inganno2020
- Documentary
- History
- Arena1967
- Drama
- History
- War