- Goodbye Uncle Tom1971
- Drama
- Crime
- Horror
- The Kashmir Files2022
- History
- Drama
- Another World2014
- Action
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Last House on Dead End Street1977
- Horror
- Violence in a Women's Prison1982
- Action
- Thriller
- Horror
- The Lost2006
- Crime
- Drama
- Thriller
- Treehouse2015
- Thriller
- Horror
- Mystery
- Born Innocent1976
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Mezzo Forte2000
- Animation
- Action
- Thriller
- The Street Fighter's Last Revenge1974
- Action
- Crime
- Drama
- Thriller
- New Jersey Drive1995
- Crime
- Drama
- Nathalie: Escape from Hell1978
- Drama
- Thriller
- Horror
- Carver2008
- Horror
- Snuff 1022007
- Thriller
- Horror
- Rubber's Lover1996
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Chaos2005
- Horror
- Thriller
- Legend of the Wolf1997
- Action
- The Silence of the Lambs1991
- Crime
- Drama
- Thriller
- The Roll-Call1971
- Animation
- Escape from Hell1980
- Adventure
- Crime
- Thriller