- Filming Hole2023
- Horror
- Adventure
- Wind(s)stärke2018
- Drama
- National Geographic: Inside the Mega Twister2015
- Documentary
- The Storm2007
- Adventure
- The Tragedy of King Lear1982
- Drama
- Energy Hunter2005
- Science Fiction
- Adventure
- Caracas2006
- Adventure
- Animation
- Waldrausch1977
- Romance
- Drama
- Cry No Fear2018
- Thriller
- Horror
- He Won't Belong2023
- Drama
- The Hurricane of '381993
- Documentary
- 86.10° North2020
- Drama
- In the Theatre of the Gogs2021
- Adventure
- Documentary
- Wally Wenda2020
- Comedy
- This Time Tomorrow2012
- Documentary
- Ultima Thule2002
- Animation
- Broad Horizons1968
- Action
- Drama
- National Geographic's Storm of the Century1998
- Documentary
- Is our weather getting worse?2012
- Documentary
- A Journey on the Waves2015
- Adventure
- Thriller