- Captured2013
- Science Fiction
- The Incredulous Case of Aliens, the US Govt, and Arnie Smith2022
- Documentary
- Thriller
- UFOs 1973: Aliens, Abductions and Extraordinary Sightings2010
- Documentary
- Transmission2021
- Science Fiction
- Cosmic Jacuzzi2016
- Science Fiction
- Animation
- Flying Saucers Are Real Volume 21996
- Documentary
- Abduction2022
- Science Fiction
- Mystery
- Drama
- Contact Has Begun: A True Story With James Gilliland2008
- Documentary
- The Taking
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- Mystery
- ET Contact: They Are Here2017
- Documentary
- Unidentified Female Object2022
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Alien Guy Tim2020
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- UFO Kidnapped1984
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Linda Napolitano: The Alien Abduction Case of the Century2022
- Unidentified2020
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Of Youth2023
- Horror
- Lightships
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- Bridgebuilders2015
- Science Fiction
- they're coming2021
- Horror
- Psycho Bettys from Planet Pussycat2011
- Science Fiction
- Comedy