- Carsten Eskelund - Begrænset Udsyn2024
- Comedy
- Gina Brillon: The Floor Is Lava2020
- Comedy
- Hot For My Name2020
- Comedy
- Documentary
- Bob Rubin: Oddities and Rarities2020
- Comedy
- Dan Cummins: Get Outta Here; Devil!2020
- Comedy
- Randy Feltface: The Book of Randicus2020
- Comedy
- Amit Tandon: Family Tandoncies2020
- Comedy
- Alonzo Bodden: Heavy Lightweight2019
- Comedy
- Liss Pereira: Reteniendo Liquidos2019
- Comedy
- Bryan Callen: Complicated Apes2019
- Comedy
- Heather McMahan: Son I Never Had2023
- Comedy
- JOKES – fra en hvid, straight mand2023
- Comedy
- Christopher Titus: Amerigeddon2019
- Comedy
- Yoo Byung Jae: Discomfort Zone2018
- Comedy
- Cameron Esposito: Rape Jokes2018
- Comedy
- Jani Dueñas: Grandes fracasos de ayer y hoy2018
- Comedy
- Chris Grace: As Scarlett Johansson2024
- Comedy
- Franco Escamilla: And that's it!2017
- Comedy
- Todo lo que sería Lucas Lauriente2018
- Comedy
- Natalia Valdebenito: El especial2018
- Comedy