- Rufus Jones for President1933
- Comedy
- Music
- Torachan and the Bride1948
- Animation
- Comedy
- Drama
- Family
- Romance
- Al-Kashash1983
- Comedy
- Applicable to Life2024
- Science Fiction
- Kroong
- Drama
- Thriller
- Same Day Delivery2024
- Comedy
- P.E.C2024
- Horror
- Comedy
- Black Snow - The Apocalypse2023
- Drama
- Zestrea1973
- Drama
- DAS ES1996
- Documentary
- Child on a Chess Board1979
- Drama
- A Nervous Life of Cosmos1986
- Animation
- The Happy Couple1975
- Comedy
- Family
- Drama
- The Last Cold Days1993
- Drama
- Lolita Separates1988
- Animation
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Comedy
- A Song on the Passage1972
- Drama
- War
- New York Portrait, Chapter III1990
- Documentary
- The Girls from Atlantis1970
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Two Madmen1996
- Comedy
- Splashback2023
- Comedy
- History