- Sharpe's Justice1997
- War
- Action
- Adventure
- History
- TV Movie
- 2020 Texas Gladiators1983
- Action
- Science Fiction
- The Tomb1986
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Ghost in the Graveyard2019
- Horror
- Drama
- Revenge of the Pontianak2019
- Horror
- Romance
- Jennifer1978
- Horror
- Kadal2013
- Action
- Drama
- Romance
- Bhramaram2009
- Action
- Thriller
- Rakht Charitra2010
- Action
- Crime
- Drama
- Cruel World2005
- Thriller
- Horror
- Comedy
- Lola the Truck Driver1983
- Drama
- Action
- Comedy
- Hit!1973
- Drama
- Action
- Crime
- The Visitors1972
- Drama
- Crime
- Thriller
- Martial Club1981
- Action
- The Great Scout & Cathouse Thursday1976
- Comedy
- Western
- All Night Long1992
- Horror
- Crime
- Drama
- Cops and Robbers2017
- Action
- Crime
- Ramaleela2017
- Thriller
- Magallanes2015
- Drama
- In the Name of the Son2012
- Drama