- Still of the Night1982
- Thriller
- Drama
- Crime
- Horror
- Someone to Watch Over Me1987
- Drama
- Romance
- Thriller
- Blood and Wine1996
- Crime
- Thriller
- All the Colors of the Dark1972
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- The New York Ripper1982
- Horror
- Crime
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Blacula1972
- Horror
- Fantasy
- Rabid1977
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- The Crazies1973
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Horror
- Action
- Eating Raoul1982
- Comedy
- Crime
- Horror
- Galaxy of Terror1981
- Action
- Adventure
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Waxwork II: Lost in Time1992
- Horror
- Fantasy
- Comedy
- Madhouse1974
- Crime
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Five Dolls for an August Moon1970
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Horror
- Cruising1980
- Crime
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Slaughter High1986
- Horror
- The Toolbox Murders1978
- Horror
- The Cat o' Nine Tails1971
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Horror
- Silent Rage1982
- Action
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Romance
- No Mercy1986
- Action
- Crime
- Thriller
- The Blood on Satan's Claw1971
- Horror