- Lost Case2014
- Comedy
- Crime
- Mystery
- Documentary
- Nomad's Land2015
- Birth in The Underworld2012
- Animation
- The Goddess Has A Thousand Faces2012
- Animation
- Pieces of Lives, Pieces of Dreams2012
- Documentary
- Unboxing Eden2013
- Documentary
- Quod Erat Demonstrandum2012
- Documentary
- 4'33" The Movie2012
- Minotavr II
- An Empire Spik Bootleg2010
- Documentary
- Black Moon2010
- Freshman Psych2008
- Horror
- Thriller
- Negativland: Our Favorite Things2007
- Music
- Portrait de ma mère poète
- Documentary
- lasso the moon
- The Remote Controller2003
- New Fangled1990
- Animation
- The Dream Merchant1965
- Animation
- Ancestors1978
- Animation
- Fantasy
- Finds of the Fortnight1980
- Animation