- When We Fight2023
- Documentary
- Follow You Follow Me1979
- Drama
- Earth1931
- Documentary
- All Lines1932
- Documentary
- The Line: Friction Dynamics Strike2023
- Documentary
- The Spirit of the Conqueror1914
- Drama
- Détruire Rajeunit
- Documentary
- Grève à Jeune Afrique1972
- Documentary
- Strike2021
- Drama
- History
- Motel the Operator1940
- Drama
- The Passaic Textile Strike1926
- Documentary
- Nous irons jusqu'au bout (les Kaolins de Plemet)1973
- Documentary
- The Walls Come Tumbling Down1975
- Documentary
- Petites mains2014
- Documentary
- Article 122021
- Drama
- Let's Rise Up2022
- Documentary
- Les petites mains invisibles
- Documentary
- How Many Horses Does One Man Need?2022
- Documentary
- Grandpuits & petites victoires2011
- Documentary
- Under den gamle Fane1932
- Documentary