- Sasquatch, the Legend of Bigfoot1976
- Adventure
- Mystery
- Horror
- Big Man from the North1931
- Crime
- Animation
- Comedy
- Music
- The Sacred2012
- Thriller
- Horror
- The Cabining2014
- Thriller
- Horror
- The Last Stop2000
- Thriller
- Aswang1994
- Horror
- Invasion from Inner Earth1974
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Not Alone2015
- Horror
- Trust Me2020
- Horror
- Blood Stalkers1976
- Horror
- Mirror Lake2013
- Thriller
- Drama
- Good-bye, My Lady1956
- Drama
- Silent Hunter1995
- Action
- Thriller
- Project Nightmare1987
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Deprivation2019
- Horror
- Apple Seed2019
- Drama
- Frazier Park Recut2019
- Comedy
- Horror
- Thriller
- Shudders1965
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Romance
- Mystery
- Swamp Woman1941
- Drama
- Scum of the Earth1974
- Thriller
- Drama
- Horror