- From This Day Forward2015
- Documentary
- Ça n'est pas le temps des romans1967
- Drama
- Kaikki hyvin, Pekka2016
- Comedy
- Thine Own Self2021
- Animation
- Stevi
- Drama
- Bear2022
- Documentary
- Code_Switch2019
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- A Different War2004
- Drama
- War
- Creating Gender Inclusive Schools2016
- Documentary
- The Captain2022
- Documentary
- The Turn2016
- Documentary
- Four Verses of Self Pleasure2021
- Documentary
- Ashes2022
- Documentary
- Manne2018
- Documentary
- American Reflexxx2015
- Documentary
- Genderbende2017
- Documentary
- The Wedding Singer's Daughter2018
- Drama
- Friends of Mine: “Boys and Girls”2020
- Family
- Muxes2016
- Documentary
- Manjuben Truck Driver2002
- Documentary