- Clown and His Dogs1892
- Animation
- Bad Ben 5: The Crescent Moon Clown2018
- Horror
- Comedy
- Massacre County2015
- Crime
- Mystery
- Horror
- Thriller
- Insane2016
- Horror
- Faceless After Dark2023
- Horror
- Thriller
- Be Silent, Sorrow, Be Silent1918
- Drama
- Romance
- Mister Creep2022
- Horror
- A Very Special Terrifier Christmas2024
- Horror
- Deathfarm2024
- Horror
- Documentary
- Teatro del crimen1957
- Crime
- Drama
- Music
- Thriller
- Keet & Koen: The Treasure Hunt2015
- Comedy
- Family
- Crimson2020
- Horror
- Thriller
- Comedy
- Jesters: The Game Changers2019
- History
- Comedy
- Sad Clown2014
- Drama
- Comedy
- Fraternity Massacre at Hell Island2007
- Horror
- Comedy
- The Clown1953
- Drama
- The Wrestler and the Clown1957
- Drama
- Krótki film o zabijaniu2024
- Action
- Crime
- Behind The Sightings2021
- Thriller
- Horror
- Secrets of the Clown2007
- Horror