- Heart of the Warrior2000
- Comedy
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Lionheart1987
- Adventure
- Drama
- Throne of Fire1983
- Action
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Sword of Lancelot1963
- Action
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Romance
- Hearts and Armour1983
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Action
- G-21999
- Action
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Samurai Pirate1963
- Action
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Avalon1989
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Action
- Prometheus' Garden1987
- Animation
- Horror
- Fantasy
- Drama
- Gunan, King of the Barbarians1982
- Action
- Adventure
- Wizards of the Demon Sword1991
- Action
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Hercules, Prisoner of Evil1964
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Stormquest1988
- Action
- Fantasy
- Galaxy Lords2018
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- The Dragon's Blood1958
- Drama
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Bhairava Dweepam1994
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Spriggan2019
- Fantasy
- Action
- Adventure
- The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark2021
- The Dark Mist1996
- Action
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Tower of Silence2019
- Fantasy