- Chicken Curry Law2019
- Crime
- Thriller
- Drama
- It Couldn't Happen to a Nicer Guy1974
- Comedy
- TV Movie
- Everything Is Fine Here
- Drama
- Hold mig fast. Før jeg forsvinder2023
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- Cast the First Stone1989
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Yesterday's Tomorrow2007
- Crime
- Drama
- Thriller
- Znásilnění pod kůží2021
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- Surviving Sinaga2020
- Documentary
- Prologue2015
- Drama
- Dare Remember2012
- Documentary
- Abused by the Police?2019
- Documentary
- Crime
- Noisy Caterwaul2019
- Horror
- The Daughter of the Railroad Crossing Guard1975
- Comedy
- Wild Power1916
- Drama