- The Night Slasher2017
- Horror
- De Profundis: Out of the Depths2010
- Horror
- Gallows Humour: Inside 'The Horror of Frankenstein'2018
- Documentary
- The Night-Time Winds2017
- Drama
- Horror
- Thriller
- The Traveler's Longing to Pray2017
- Horror
- Let's Play - Uno : The Movie2016
- The Nutcracker2016
- Horror
- Comedy
- Reunion2014
- Untitled André Øvredal Horror Film
- Horror
- The Drink of the Damned2016
- Horror
- Animation
- Tenure
- Drama
- Horror
- P.O.V: Point of View2013
- Horror
- Thriller
- Dead Ahead2016
- Animation
- Horror
- Black Sheep 2
- Horror
- Comedy
- Doll
- Horror
- Comedy
- Horror
- Drama
- Action
- Inhumane2015
- Horror
- All Hallows Eve1987
- Horror
- Mmanwu
- Horror
- Drug Call