- Detectives sin piedad1990
- Comedy
- My Dear Detective2023
- Mystery
- Drama
- An Angry Voice and One Who Cries2023
- Thriller
- Gouge Away2023
- Horror
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Science Fiction
- Comedy
- A Night on the Town2022
- Action
- Untitled2022
- Drama
- KADAL2022
- Music
- The City2022
- Thriller
- City of Shadows2022
- Crime
- Drama
- The Whistleblower2022
- Thriller
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Crime
- Drama
- Mystery
- We Will Never Be Free2022
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Paris at Night2022
- History
- 1230 Hopewell Road2022
- Horror
- Mystery
- Von Scerscen.- Diario di un'indagine2022
- Documentary
- Adventure
- Silver Screen Suicide2021
- Horror
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Drama
- Jul i storbyen1990
- Comedy
- Crime
- TV Movie
- Dark Frames2021
- Documentary
- Head In The Clouds2021
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Softboiled2021
- Comedy
- Mystery
- Adventure
- Her Satanic Majesty2016
- Drama