- Peach-o-Reno1931
- Comedy
- Romance
- 50 Million Frenchmen1931
- Romance
- Comedy
- Another Language1933
- Drama
- Silver Dollar1932
- Drama
- Second Wife1930
- Drama
- What a Widow!1930
- Comedy
- Romance
- Where Sinners Meet1934
- Comedy
- Romance
- The Flame of Love1930
- Music
- Romance
- Drama
- The Silent Witness1932
- Mystery
- No, No, Nanette1930
- Comedy
- Music
- In Gay Madrid1930
- Drama
- Romance
- Men Call It Love1931
- Romance
- Drama
- Two Kinds of Women1932
- Drama
- Strange Justice1932
- Drama
- Social Register1934
- Comedy
- Music
- Drama
- Romance
- Kismet1930
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Romance
- Once a Lady1931
- Drama
- Goldie1931
- Comedy
- Traveling Husbands1931
- Comedy
- Crime
- Two Alone1934
- Drama