- Action
- World of Tomorrow2015
- Animation
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Highlander
- Adventure
- Action
- Fantasy
- Narcissus and Psyche1980
- Drama
- Memory Run1995
- Action
- Science Fiction
- The Immortal1969
- Action
- Drama
- Thriller
- Science Fiction
- TV Movie
- Tuck Everlasting1981
- Fantasy
- Drama
- The Man Who Turned to Stone1957
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Creature of the Walking Dead1965
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Killer Deal1999
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- TV Movie
- The Maids of Wilko1979
- Drama
- Romance
- Soft Matter2018
- Science Fiction
- Comedy
- Horror
- I-Man1986
- Science Fiction
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Drama
- TV Movie
- El silencio de la luna2025
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Mark of the Dead Man1961
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Saturday's Warrior1989
- Drama
- Family
- Immortalité, dernière frontière2016
- Documentary
- Science Fiction
- The Virgin Goddess1974
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- The Price2015
- Science Fiction
- Fantasy
- Drama
- Nightslave1988
- Comedy
- Horror