- Tukdam – Between Worlds2022
- Documentary
- Mystery
- Expédition Pétra : sur la piste des Nabatéens2022
- Documentary
- History
- Die Magie von Gesicht und Stimme2022
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- The Search for Snow2021
- Documentary
- Seven Wonders of the Ancient World2020
- Documentary
- La Grande Histoire de l'évolution animale2019
- Documentary
- Le mystère Cléopâtre, la dernière reine d'Egypte2019
- Documentary
- Titanic, autopsie d'un naufrage2018
- Documentary
- Das Voynich-Manuskript - Die geheimnisvollste Handschrift der Welt2014
- Documentary
- Das Rätsel der gefälschten Mumie2014
- Documentary
- History
- TV Movie
- De Aracaju a Harvard
- Documentary
- People We Come Across2021
- Documentary
- Chemistry of Marijuana1966
- La capitale gauloise disparue2020
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- History
- Acoustic Ocean2018
- Documentary
- Science Fiction
- Les psychédéliques, des drogues qui soignent ?2022
- Documentary
- Photographic Studies in Hypnosis: Abnormal Psychology1938
- Documentary
- Dating Fossils and Rocks2004
- Documentary
- History