- FBI Operation Yellow Viper1964
- Crime
- Action
- Our Man in Casablanca1966
- Action
- Spies: The Dirty Game of Espionage1991
- Documentary
- The Sky Parade1936
- Drama
- Smashing the Spy Ring1938
- Mystery
- Drama
- Hot Diamonds in Cold Blood1967
- Adventure
- Crime
- Somebody's Stolen Our Russian Spy1968
- Action
- Assignment: Munich1972
- Thriller
- TV Movie
- The Mole
- Drama
- Comedy
- Strategy of Terror1969
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Diplomacy1926
- Mystery
- Destiny of a Spy1969
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Mystery Ship1941
- Thriller
- Drama
- Spy of Napoleon1936
- Drama
- History
- Betrayed2011
- Drama
- Psychopath1968
- Crime
- Comedy
- Operation Apocalypse1966
- Adventure
- Code Name: Foxfire1985
- Action
- TV Movie
- Secret Orders1926
- Drama
- Mr. Stringfellow Says No1934
- Thriller