- Gioia Ultima2024
- War
- Drama
- 12 Theses2021
- Mystery
- Sintomático2021
- Documentary
- Danger! Danger!2021
- Action
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- Holy Silence2020
- Documentary
- History
- Who was Hitler2017
- Documentary
- History
- Treblinka's Last Witness2012
- Documentary
- History
- The Axe of Wandsbek1951
- Drama
- Black Sun1998
- Documentary
- Wolfpack1987
- Drama
- Nazi1991
- Drama
- The Cold Room1984
- Mystery
- Drama
- TV Movie
- Ravensbrück: The forgotten camp2020
- History
- War
- Documentary
- Poland 1939: When German Soldiers Became War Criminals2019
- Documentary
- Animation
- History
- The Girl with the Instagram2019
- Drama
- History
- Hitler's Children2017
- Documentary
- War
- Søren Kam: Nazisten, der aldrig fortrød2017
- Documentary
- Poltergays: The Naked Wolves of the SS2011
- Horror
- Comedy
- Naked Rose2013
- Documentary
- Drama
- Ellos robaron la picha de Hitler2008
- Comedy