- Recess: Third Street2019
- Drama
- Comedy
- Star Trek: Temporal Anomaly2019
- Science Fiction
- Spider-Man: Cake Day2018
- Action
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Last Round-Up Rollin' Grill2018
- Horror
- Dredd: The Payback2016
- Action
- Science Fiction
- Animation
- The Dark Knight Legacy2013
- Action
- Crime
- Drama
- The Old Republic: Rescue Mission2015
- Science Fiction
- Live Action Toy Story2013
- Family
- Comedy
- Drama
- Welcome to Hoxford : The fan film2011
- Horror
- Tales of the Valley of the Wind2009
- Fantasy
- Wayne2009
- Crime
- The Dark Redemption1999
- Science Fiction
- Adventure
- André Hazes: Bloed, Zweet en Tranen (Zijn Verhaal)2005
- Music
- BORG WAR II: The Romulan Factor
- Science Fiction
- Your Last Summer2023
- Drama
- Horror
- From the Ashes: A LEGO Star Wars Story2021
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Adventure
- Animation
- Mercan: Skate King2022
- Comedy
- Action
- Adventure
- Raider Origins2013
- Action
- Adventure
- SORROW | A Crow Fan Film
- Drama
- Action
- Thriller
- Horror
- Fantasy
- The Resurgence2022
- Horror