- Alice's Picnic1927
- Animation
- Mulberry Street2006
- Horror
- Rat Film2016
- Documentary
- A Short Vision1956
- Drama
- Animation
- War
- Rats2016
- Documentary
- Moonlight Sonata No.712024
- Crime
- Drama
- Vilddyr2010
- Drama
- Horror
- Mystery
- Fantasy
- Rat
- Drama
- Swiss Army Knife with Rats and Pigeons1980
- Animation
- The War1987
- Animation
- War
- Alice the Piper1924
- Animation
- Tommy Can`t Sleep2017
- Horror
- Nezulla the Rat Monster2002
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- tili tili bom2021
- Horror
- Animation
- Music
- Ratgirl2025
- Drama
- Erebos
- Drama
- Family
- One Rat short2006
- Animation
- Ratopolis1973
- Documentary
- Growth Vitamin1988
- Animation
- Comedy
- Jerry on the Job: Cheating the Piper1920
- Comedy
- Animation