- Good As You2012
- Comedy
- To Ingrid, My Love, Lisa1968
- Drama
- Margaret Cho: Beautiful2009
- Comedy
- Girls & The Party2021
- Drama
- Behind Locked Doors1968
- Horror
- Massachusetts2020
- Drama
- The Third Sex1934
- Drama
- Horror
- Stolen Kisses: Homosexual Love in Fascist Italy2021
- Documentary
- History
- Faut qu'on parle2021
- Documentary
- Flaming Ears1992
- Science Fiction
- Fantasy
- Marie and Me1970
- Me and Rubyfruit1989
- Drama
- Et si tu m’entends2023
- Drama
- The Feelings Are the Same1972
- Documentary
- Oneway-Ticket to Korsør2008
- Drama
- Comedy
- Romance
- The Acorn Princess2020
- Animation
- Romance
- Fantasy
- Femme Folle2020
- Dyke Hard2014
- Comedy
- Action
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Music
- Dopamina2020
- Documentary
- Troubled Waters1999
- Comedy