- House of Dolls2023
- Horror
- Venganza Suicida1990
- Action
- Drama
- Crime
- The Whore with the Chainsaw2008
- Comedy
- Horror
- The Catskill Chainsaw Redemption2004
- Horror
- Comedy
- Pinky2012
- Animation
- Horror
- The Pitch2001
- Comedy
- Action
- Guts on The Chainsaw2023
- Horror
- The Insane2006
- Horror
- Slashers Gone Wild!2006
- Horror
- Comedy
- Live Forever2020
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Comedy
- Der Totenhügel1994
- Horror
- The Spirit Chaser
- Horror
- Blood of the Undead: The Unwanted1987
- Horror
- Das Wiener Kettensägenmassaker1993
- Horror
- Jaws of the Shark2012
- Horror
- Comedy
- Blood of the Undead: The Final Chapter1987
- Horror
- Mons 2 - OMFG2009
- Thriller
- Elvis' Grave1992
- Horror
- Music
- Comedy
- Kettensägen Zombies1999
- Horror
- Changing Life - Der Fluch Der Zombies2001
- Horror
- Action