- 16 Millimeter Earrings1979
- Felt TV1970
- Broken Fall (Organic)1971
- Documentary
- Broken Fall (Geometric)1971
- Documentary
- Fall 11970
- Documentary
- Half Serious, Half Kidding2023
- Documentary
- Music
- Petrol2023
- Drama
- Thriller
- Mystery
- Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Warmest, Jamila2023
- Documentary
- Moving Together2023
- Documentary
- Blood on the Carpet2022
- Horror
- Music
- B. Catling: Where Does It All Come From?2022
- Solaris2022
- El Cuerpo del Escándalo - Un film acerca de Natacha Voliakovsky2019
- Documentary
- First Movement Form2022
- Documentary
- Doors and Windows2021
- Sandra Bernhard: Confessions of a Pretty Lady1994
- Documentary
- Thumb2021
- Horror
- The Quiet Silence2016
- Drama
- Re:collections2021
- Documentary
- The House of Dust2021