- The Letter for the King2008
- Family
- Adventure
- Knight-Mare Hare1955
- Animation
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Black Angel1980
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Horror
- The Last Dragon2004
- Fantasy
- Documentary
- Knight of the Dead2013
- Fantasy
- Action
- Horror
- Knights of the Quest2001
- Drama
- History
- Werewolf Castle2022
- Horror
- Fantasy
- History
- Action
- Quest of the Delta Knights1993
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Action
- SAGA - Curse of the Shadow2014
- Action
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Dark Relic2010
- Science Fiction
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Whom the Gods Wish to Destroy1966
- Drama
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- The High Crusade1994
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Lionheart1987
- Adventure
- Drama
- Whom the Gods Wish to Destroy 21967
- Drama
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- One Droopy Knight1957
- Animation
- Comedy
- Family
- Trenk, the Little Knight2015
- Animation
- Family
- Quentin Durward1955
- Adventure
- History
- Romance
- Hearts and Armour1983
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Action
- The Tin Soldier1995
- Adventure
- Family
- Fantasy
- Siege of the Saxons1963
- Adventure