- Hell House2008
- Drama
- Horror
- Goliath and the Vampires1961
- Action
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Thriller
- Horror
- Place2019
- Comedy
- Horror
- No. 32, B District2011
- Horror
- Drama
- Thriller
- Incident2010
- Horror
- Help2010
- Drama
- Horror
- Thriller
- Blood Screams1989
- Thriller
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Outside Noise2024
- Horror
- Dark Figures2020
- Horror
- Godforsaken2020
- Horror
- The Plan2017
- Horror
- Ghost Nursing1982
- Horror
- Ghost Track2022
- Horror
- Woman In The Chair2022
- Horror
- Spiritpact2018
- Fantasy
- The Thin Man2015
- Horror
- Mystery
- Drama
- 12th Assistant Deacon2014
- Horror
- Unholy2015
- Horror
- Thriller
- Kodama2023
- Action
- Fantasy