- Song of Triumphant Love1915
- Drama
- Romance
- Final Boarding
- Horror
- Homewreckers
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Autopsy Room Four
- Horror
- Thriller
- Amonina pomsta1991
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Hviezdne dieťa1985
- Family
- Fantasy
- After the Quake
- Drama
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- Poviestka1984
- Drama
- Risiko für Weihnachtsmänner1968
- TV Movie
- Drama
- Jäänmurtaja1997
- Comedy
- Drama
- Katarína1984
- Drama
- You Take Care Now
- Horror
- Thriller
- Hasičský plášť1983
- Comedy
- Řeč o Puškinovi1968
- Comedy
- Podivné okolnosti1982
- Drama
- Bad Little Kid
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Agáta1999
- Drama
- Optimize
- Science Fiction
- Thriller
- Crainquebille1982
- Drama