- A Quiet Death1986
- Drama
- Assault and Matrimony1987
- Comedy
- TV Movie
- Female Astrology1991
- Animation
- Dirty Tricks
- Thriller
- All the Truth About Schelps2004
- Drama
- Bis dass dein Tod uns scheidet2002
- Comedy
- TV Movie
- Marriage Graveyard2022
- Horror
- An Affair of the Skin1963
- Drama
- One Too Many1934
- Comedy
- Anima1998
- Drama
- Efreet2022
- Drama
- Horror
- Thriller
- Sentence1959
- Crime
- Drama
- As Husbands Go1934
- Romance
- Comedy
- Rápteme usted1941
- Comedy
- Do Someone a Favor!1954
- Comedy
- Love Portion2012
- Romance
- Thriller
- Asbestos2020
- Drama
- Men1963
- Comedy
- The Trade of Sin1972
- Drama
- Julie1972
- Documentary
- Drama
- Music