- Hitler is Back from the Grave2016
- Horror
- Comedy
- Besondere Kennzeichen1929
- Comedy
- Crime
- The Funny Horsie Boxset2016
- Animation
- Comedy
- I Film Hong Sang Soo Film2016
- Drama
- The Cabinet in the Woods2017
- Horror
- S.W.A.G. - Episode 2.5: The Baby Eater2016
- Comedy
- Dagg Day Afternoon1977
- Comedy
- Drugs: Killers or Dillers?1972
- Comedy
- Japanoschlampen - THE MOVIE (Das supermega mysteriöse kackgruselige Horror Abenteuer)2014
- Animation
- Comedy
- Vagina Is the Warmest Color2015
- Comedy
- J.R. contraataca (La dinastia de J.R.)1983
- Comedy
- Cobrador1986
- Action
- Comedy
- Welcome Back, Potter2014
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Destination Fury1961
- Comedy
- Adventure
- จันชรา2013
- 8 Kilsa2012
- Drama
- Comedy
- Music
- The Hunglaiover My Lady
- Comedy
- A Texas Steer1915
- Action
- Comedy
- Western
- Kill List: The Musical2012
- Comedy
- Music
- Una mierda de slasher2013
- Comedy
- Horror