- Darkness Is Coming2017
- Horror
- Thriller
- De Profundis: Out of the Depths2010
- Horror
- The Wicked Little Witch2017
- Horror
- Thriller
- Shift1991
- Horror
- Amavas Ki Raat1990
- Horror
- Paternoster2016
- Horror
- Thriller
- Tenure
- Drama
- Horror
- The Last Road to Hell2007
- Horror
- Thriller
- Action
- School Project2016
- Horror
- Thriller
- Venena Bibas2016
- Drama
- Demōn2016
- Comedy
- Inviting the Demons2013
- Horror
- Chimera
- Animation
- Horror
- Fantasy
- Action
- Devil Souls1997
- Horror
- Fantasy
- Diary of a Demon2014
- Horror
- Monkeys2015
- Drama
- The Making of a Superhero Musical2015
- Comedy
- Drama
- 3 Guys, A Girl, and A Demon2014
- Horror
- Shadow of the Demon2002
- Horror
- Darkside Witches II
- Action
- Horror
- Fantasy