- The Sounding2017
- Drama
- Mystery
- Feathered Cocaine2010
- Documentary
- Pine State Phantoms2020
- Documentary
- Dawnland2018
- Documentary
- Neptune2015
- Adventure
- Drama
- Nice People2023
- Drama
- Comedy
- Way Down East1935
- Drama
- Romance
- Girl's Trip2023
- Comedy
- Drama
- Adventure
- Two Trees2024
- Documentary
- The Captain2022
- Documentary
- The Forest and The Sea2024
- Documentary
- Jasper Beach and The Salt Marsh2023
- Documentary
- Four Corners of Suburbia2005
- Drama
- Romance
- Lake2019
- Documentary
- BOILK2018
- Thriller
- Tomatoes2020
- Documentary
- The Maine Frontier: Through the Lens of Isaac Walton Simpson2016
- Documentary
- Canoe Dig It?
- Comedy
- Acadia Always2008
- Documentary
- National Parks Exploration Series: Acadia - The First National Park East of the Mississippi2013
- Documentary