- The Outing1987
- Horror
- Forced Vengeance1982
- Action
- Adventure
- Thriller
- Drama
- The Curse of Robert the Doll2016
- Horror
- Timecode2016
- Drama
- Romance
- The Cookout2004
- Comedy
- The Autograph Hound1939
- Animation
- Comedy
- Eine Insel namens Udo2011
- Comedy
- Romance
- Giant2009
- Drama
- Romance
- Sky on Fire2016
- Action
- Crime
- Thriller
- Takedown2010
- Action
- Thriller
- Drama
- The Guard from Underground1992
- Thriller
- Horror
- Crime
- SP: The Motion Picture2010
- Drama
- Action
- Thriller
- Perfect Hideout2008
- Romance
- Drama
- Action
- Thriller
- SP: The Motion Picture II2011
- Action
- Drama
- Thriller
- Night Eyes 31993
- Drama
- Thriller
- Night Eyes1990
- Thriller
- Kadaicha1988
- Horror
- Adrift2009
- Drama
- Romance
- A cavallo della tigre2002
- Comedy
- Aida1953
- Drama
- Music