- Which Way to the Septic Tank?1978
- Comedy
- Drama
- The Glembays1988
- Drama
- She and He1963
- Drama
- Anna's Engagement1972
- Drama
- Why Are the Bells Ringing, Mitica?1981
- Comedy
- Drama
- Small Local Trains1960
- Comedy
- Drama
- Romance
- Summer Night1963
- Drama
- A Spiral of Mist1977
- Drama
- The Strange Madame X1951
- Drama
- Sophie's Ways1971
- Drama
- Comedy
- The Portrait2017
- Drama
- Family
- History
- Music
- Delight2024
- Animation
- Le Bourgeois gentilhomme2009
- Comedy
- TV Movie
- To One's Liking2024
- Mystery
- Drama
- Subservience2007
- Animation
- Horror
- Y un jamón2023
- Comedy
- Voyage dans les ghettos du Gotha2008
- Documentary
- Would-Be Gentleman1968
- Comedy
- TV Movie
- Palanga1981
- Comedy
- TV Movie
- Maedeli the Breach1979
- Drama
- Family