- One Sunday Afternoon1933
- Romance
- Comedy
- Bedside Dentist1971
- Romance
- Comedy
- Act Like You Love Me2013
- Comedy
- Romance
- På tro og love1955
- Family
- My Lovely Burnt Brother and His Squashed Brain1988
- Comedy
- Drama
- Horror
- Wedding Worries1941
- Comedy
- Family
- The Dippy Dentist1920
- Comedy
- Snaggletooth2019
- Horror
- Comedy
- One Sunday Afternoon1948
- Romance
- Music
- Dentist2005
- Animation
- Comedy
- Double or Nothing1940
- Comedy
- Music
- Dancing on the Ceiling1937
- Music
- Comedy
- Definitely Divorcing2016
- Drama
- Comedy
- TV Movie
- Dollars and Dentists2012
- Documentary
- Μαφιόζοι στο Αιγαίο2006
- Comedy
- On Edge1999
- Horror
- Comedy
- Silly Billies1936
- Western
- Comedy
- 24 Hour Playboy1989
- Comedy
- The Dentist2023
- Horror
- Sala d'aspetto1992
- Horror
- Comedy