- The Curse of Robert the Doll2016
- Horror
- Solo2013
- Horror
- Thriller
- Sophie's Misfortunes2016
- Family
- Comedy
- Niagara, Niagara1998
- Drama
- Romance
- Love Child1968
- Drama
- Picture Mommy Dead1966
- Horror
- Thriller
- The Skeptic2009
- Horror
- Thriller
- The Psychopath1966
- Horror
- Mystery
- Aoom1970
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Ode to Billy Joe1976
- Drama
- Romance
- Untitled Annabelle Film
- Horror
- Karius and Baktus1955
- Animation
- Family
- The Strange World of Coffin Joe1968
- Horror
- Thriller
- Alma2009
- Animation
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Mystery
- Baby Doll1988
- Horror
- Thriller
- Together Brothers1974
- Drama
- Thriller
- Poor Little Rich Girl1936
- Adventure
- Family
- Music
- Alice in Dreamland2015
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Animation
- Cathy's Curse1977
- Horror
- Heidi2014
- Horror