- Tales From Parts Unknown2020
- Horror
- Blow: The True Story of Cocaine, a Bear, and a Crooked Kentucky Cop2023
- Documentary
- Kentucky Blue Streak1935
- Drama
- Crime
- American Hollow1999
- Documentary
- Trouble Behind1991
- Documentary
- Mountain Born: The Jean Ritchie Story1996
- Music
- Documentary
- Ed McClanahan: Kentucky Muse1995
- Documentary
- Thunder Mountain1925
- Drama
- Kentucky Bourbon Tales: Distilling the Family Business2014
- Documentary
- Bluegrass Kingdom: The Gospel of Kentucky Basketball
- Documentary
- Expedition Dogman
- Documentary
- Adventure
- Bigfoot In Kentucky2021
- Documentary
- Horror
- One and Not Done2017
- Documentary
- His Fighting Blood1915
- Adventure
- Romance
- The Legend of the Pope Lick Monster1989
- Leader of the Pack2019
- Documentary
- Glimpses of Kentucky1941
- Documentary
- Wendy, Will You Go to the Dance With Me?2021
- Comedy
- Romance
- Cody's Wish
- Drama
- The Invasion of Kelly2017
- Mystery