- Murders in the Zoo1933
- Crime
- Horror
- An Alligator Named Daisy1955
- Comedy
- Romance
- Crocodylus: Mating Season2023
- Horror
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Prowlers of the Everglades1953
- Documentary
- The Legend of Gator Face1996
- Adventure
- Horror
- Comedy
- Family
- 30 Years of National Geographic Specials1995
- Documentary
- Gator King1997
- Thriller
- Bad CGI Gator2023
- Comedy
- Horror
- Southern Fried Hospitality1960
- Animation
- Comedy
- Swamp Woman2023
- Science Fiction
- Comedy
- Horror
- Action
- Louisiana Story1948
- Adventure
- Drama
- The Legend of the Florida Man2023
- Comedy
- Some More of Samoa1941
- Comedy
- Mercy Island1941
- Crime
- Drama
- Novela1992
- Animation
- Comedy
- Predators of the Wild: Crocodiles and Alligators1994
- Documentary
- Gator Green2013
- Horror
- The African Tale1963
- Animation
- Drama
- Woody's Kook-Out1961
- Animation