- April, Come She Will2024
- Drama
- Romance
- Mystery
- The Death That Awaits2025
- Horror
- Thriller
- Morning Show Mysteries: Countdown to Murder2019
- Mystery
- TV Movie
- easy on the turns2025
- Drama
- Crime
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Hitch2025
- Mystery
- Horror
- LUIS2025
- Mystery
- Horror
- Bone Face2025
- Mystery
- Horror
- Missing: Keti Harayeko Suchana2025
- Action
- Comedy
- Romance
- Drama
- A Zest For Death: A Hannah Swensen Mystery2023
- TV Movie
- Mystery
- Drama
- Crime
- Immersion2023
- Horror
- Mystery
- Science Fiction
- Her Dark Past2016
- Thriller
- Mystery
- TV Movie
- Al progredire della notte2025
- Horror
- Thriller
- Morning Show Mysteries: Death by Design2019
- Mystery
- TV Movie
- Drama
- Thriller
- Morning Show Mysteries: Murder Ever After2021
- Mystery
- Crime
- TV Movie
- Dead Whisper2024
- Horror
- Thriller
- Kiki's World2025
- Mystery
- Drama
- Thriller
- Mnemosyne's Paradox2024
- Mystery
- Thriller
- A Sprinkle of Deceit: A Hannah Swensen Mystery2024
- TV Movie
- Mystery
- They Live Behind The Curtains2025
- Horror