- Geniale Frauen - Malerinnen von der Renaissance bis zum Klassizismus2024
- Documentary
- History
- Sarah Bernhardt, pionnière du show business2023
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- Wuthering Heights: Love, Hate and Vengeance2022
- Documentary
- History
- TV Movie
- Charlotte Salomon: Life and the Maiden2022
- Documentary
- History
- A Goodbye to Blessed Realities2024
- Documentary
- The Genius of Gothic Art2021
- Documentary
- History
- TV Movie
- The Polizzi Project2020
- Documentary
- Exergo2024
- Documentary
- Drama
- Qu'est-ce que la haute couture ?2016
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- 24 Hour Sunset2023
- Documentary
- Girl with a Pearl Earring: And Other Treasures from the Mauritshuis2015
- Documentary
- Kunst als Waffe - John Heartfield2023
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- Thomas Schütte - Ich bin nicht allein2023
- Documentary
- De caballos y guitarras2024
- Documentary
- BENE! Vita di Carmelo, la macchina attoriale2022
- Documentary
- Die Brust in der Kunst2024
- Documentary
- Versailles, une révolution au jardin2022
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- 305 Bellechasse2022
- Documentary
- Drama
- The Rembrandt Century: How Art Became Big Business2022
- Documentary
- History
- TV Movie
- A Tour of the Louvre2021
- Documentary
- History
- TV Movie