- Chang'e and the Jade Rabbit's Mid-Autumn Adventure2023
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Fireworks of Yesteryear - Behind the Scenes2023
- Documentary
- In Another Life2023
- Drama
- You Who Are Lost With the Wind2023
- Drama
- The Beauty of the Law2023
- Drama
- Cross Your Fingers2011
- Romance
- Retalhos2023
- Drama
- Apoptosis2023
- Animation
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- Women's Script2023
- Drama
- History
- Ought To Be
- Horror
- Romance
- A Tale of Yearning2022
- Drama
- Romance
- Everything He Can Give You, I Can Too2023
- Drama
- Romance
- The Caged Canary2023
- Romance
- The Tribulation of the Mountain God2023
- Fantasy
- Action
- Flowers Bloom; Flowers Wither2022
- Drama
- he said, she said2023
- Thriller
- Horror
- Drama
- The day the bedroom’s furniture disappeared2022
- Comedy
- Romance
- Flor do Ártico2022
- Drama
- Romance
- A Demon in the House2022
- Fantasy
- Mystery
- Romance
- The Fox Spirit and The Little Priest2021
- Fantasy
- Romance