- Craig's Pathetic Freakout2018
- Comedy
- Intruder2020
- Horror
- Cut!2024
- Action
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- The Death of Angel Candy2022
- Comedy
- Crime
- Falcatus
- Horror
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Comedy
- Drama
- Written for Walken2023
- Comedy
- Leading Lady2024
- Comedy
- Family
- CARMEX2024
- Horror
- Comedy
- Documentary
- Andy & Lucy Watch TV2023
- Comedy
- Horror
- The House 2: The Awakening2021
- Horror
- Thriller
- Hard Cut2023
- Horror
- Comedy
- The Writer2024
- Drama
- Comedy
- LEFT2024
- Drama
- The Process2022
- Comedy
- The Five Passions of a Teenager2022
- Romance
- Comedy
- Drama
- Documentary
- In Real Time
- Thriller
- Drama
- Experimental Film No. 12023
- Comedy