- Shenanigans Nite Club: The Movie2021
- Science Fiction
- Music
- Action
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Mystery
- Pseudo Mailman2022
- Comedy
- Power Surge2022
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Jack Nightrider2021
- Comedy
- Action
- Science Fiction
- Crime
- And We Hear I Love You2021
- Crime
- The Haunters
- Science Fiction
- Horror
- Comedy
- American SciFi2020
- Science Fiction
- Comedy
- Space Mechanic2019
- Science Fiction
- Action
- Comedy
- Damned Rites2019
- Horror
- Rocking '83 - Bear's Jam1983
- Documentary
- Red Rabbit Lodge2019
- Horror
- Soft Side
- Action
- Drama
- Comedy
- Erratum 20372017
- Science Fiction
- Nerd Association
- Comedy
- Romance
- Drama
- Capture A Moment