- Charlie Chan at Treasure Island1939
- Mystery
- Thriller
- Trick the Movie: Psychic Battle Royale2010
- Action
- Thriller
- Science Fiction
- Captain Sindbad1963
- Fantasy
- Adventure
- Family
- Eclipse2016
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Spooky House2002
- Adventure
- Family
- Mystery
- Horror
- Marvelous and the Black Hole2022
- Comedy
- Drama
- Haunted Mouse1965
- Animation
- Comedy
- To: Gerard2020
- Animation
- Drama
- Family
- The Escape Artist1982
- Comedy
- Crime
- Drama
- The Limit of Sleeping Beauty2017
- Drama
- The Return of Chandu1934
- Action
- Fantasy
- Romance
- Adventure
- Horror
- Eternally Yours1939
- Drama
- Comedy
- Romance
- The Contract1978
- Comedy
- Simon, King of the Witches1971
- Drama
- Horror
- Comedy
- Doctor Death: Seeker of Souls1973
- Horror
- Magic to Win2011
- Fantasy
- Comedy
- Action
- The Last Performance1929
- Drama
- Horror
- Romance
- The Bewitched Trunk1904
- Fantasy
- The Gift2014
- Romance
- Drama
- Prometeo Deportado2010
- Comedy
- Drama