- The Tale of the Fox1941
- Animation
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- The Wizard of Oz1925
- Comedy
- Family
- Fantasy
- Murders in the Zoo1933
- Crime
- Horror
- Lion2017
- Animation
- Jerry and the Lion1950
- Animation
- Comedy
- Fast, Cheap & Out of Control1997
- Documentary
- The African Lion1955
- Documentary
- Family
- Captive Wild Woman1943
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Lion Down1951
- Comedy
- Family
- Animation
- The Sin of Harold Diddlebock1947
- Comedy
- Joshua and the Promised Land2004
- Animation
- Adventure
- Family
- Fantasy
- Acrobatty Bunny1946
- Animation
- Comedy
- Social Lion1954
- Animation
- Three Robbers and a Lion2022
- Animation
- Family
- Slap Happy Lion1947
- Animation
- Comedy
- Lion2014
- Drama
- Danse Serpentine (In a Lion's Cage)1900
- Documentary
- The Roman Orgy1911
- History
- Drama
- Jungle Woman1944
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Horror
- Science Fiction
- Africa: The Serengeti1994
- Documentary